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Accepting Proposals for
2024 Exemplary Practice Award

The AFC Technology Commission’s Exemplary Practice Award recognizes outstanding programs and professionals in the technology field. We invite each Florida College to showcase its best program/project. This year’s theme is "The Power of AI Implementation in Higher Education".

There will be a $300 grand prize for the First Place winner and $200 for the runner-up. Last day to apply is  Friday, October 4th, 2024.





First Place

WeLearn366 Institute - MDC Padron Campus

Dr. Belkis L. Cabrera, Director 


Second Place
Exploring Possibilities through Virtual Reality Tutoring - Tallahassee Community College 

Sam DeZerga, TCC Learning Commons Director

Jessie Clayton, TCC Learning Commons Technology Specialist



PBSC tresPATHS Grant

Kevin Moreau, Program Grant Manager

Palm Beach State College, Boca Raton campus


Narrative: Palm Beach State College (PBSC), with partners Florida Atlantic University (FAU) and Broward College (BC), has been awarded a $4.4 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to provide a 5-year plan of academic and advising/mentor support, industry-related opportunities and career placement for Hispanic and low-income students currently enrolled at PBSC, and who are seriously interested in pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering at FAU. Some of the initiatives that the grant focuses on relate directly to the theme and the main idea of the AFC Technology Commission Exemplary Practices preparing students both academically and professionally to successfully fulfill the demands of the workforce in the 21st Century. Providing students with a strong foundation in technology advanced programs like Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Electrical Engineering is what PBSC is working on by developing and maintaining a strong community for students to be able to enroll in undergraduate courses at FAU.


First Place Winner

LC Pop-Up Videos

Dani Hawke, Merry Low, & Dr. Nicholas Vick, Tallahassee Community College


Narrative: The Learning Commons staff at Tallahassee Community College (TCC) formulated the “Pop-Up Video” initiative. The pop-up video itself is a throwback to VH1’s music pop-up videos from the 1990s in which little blurbs about the artist or song would appear. While incorporating cutting-edge platforms such as VidGrid and Canva, the Learning Commons staff have produced short videos that mimic VH1’s engaging and nostalgic shorts. The content of these videos obviously diverges from that of VH1, and ranges from top skills for MAC1105 classes, to success in online courses, and the Spanish imperfect vs. preterit tenses. However, the form of these resources weaves a classic pop culture artifact with important course content and academic success tips for our students at TCC. These videos are short and sweet, intended to grab students’ attention and quickly convey the information they need to be successful in their classes.


First Place Winner

Promotional Video Planning 

Dr. Nicholas Vick / Dani Hawke, Tallahassee Community College  


Narrative: Our exemplary practice emerged from a time of remote learning and remote working during the early days of the pandemic. We knew that communicating with our students was essential, and our staff decided the best approach was to create short videos. The documentation is provided with this application package detailing how these different videos were very well received by faculty, staff, and students. The videos that were sent to students include Closed Captioning, and we made audio-only versions that can be listened to as short podcasts.

Submit Your Proposal Today!

Proposal submissions open June 1, 2024 and closes at October 1, 2024. 

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